Privacy Policy

Our commitment to protecting your information

Education Support Programmes Pty Ltd (Education Support Programmes) is committed to protecting, securing and keeping safe the information of our visitors and users, which include students, teachers and school administrators (Users).

Information is collected to manage registration and to provide Users insightful diagnostics into performance and learning needs. In accordance with the terms below, we are committed to the protection and privacy of your information and are strictly against sharing, disclosing or providing your personal information to any external third party unless otherwise required by law.

Please read our Privacy Policy below. At all times when visiting and using (SmartLab) you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

What information we collect

In order to successfully deliver the services in accordance with our ‘Purpose of information collected’ below, we may collect the following categories of personal information:

  1. teacher’s first name and surname;
  2. teacher’s contact information; and
  3. student’s first name and surname

In relation to (c), the student’s first name and surname is collected for the purpose of assisting teachers identify student results from SmartLab activities. You may choose not to provide your student’s first name or surname and alternatively provide a naming identifier that is impossible to personally identify the individual student. For example, a student’s first initial and the first three letters of the surname. If you wish to provide an alternative identifier please provide notice before the set up process by writing to [email protected].

In respect of SmartLab’s subscription by a school, Education Support Programmes seeks consent from the school to be provided with the information outlined in this policy for and on behalf of its students and teachers.

In respect of a SmartLab’s subscription by home/individuals (Individual Subscriber), we seek consent from the Individual Subscriber at the time of purchasing and registering to use the information collected. Where the Individual Subscriber is a student who is a minor, we ask that permission by that student’s parent/legal guardian be given before accessing SmartLab.

Users who do not give this consent (or do not have this consent provided on their behalf) cannot provide us with their personal information and cannot use SmartLab. You may withdraw consent at any time in writing to us.

We may also collect information about you if you contact us offline, for example by telephone, fax, email or post.

Purpose of information collected

The information collected from Users may be used for the following purposes:

  1. to provide Users access to SmartLab;
  2. to manage Users;
  3. to send teachers or Individual Subscribers email updates of new SmartLab features, marketing or registration renewal;
  4. to provide performance results;
  5. to seek feedback on SmartLab; and
  6. to support and improve SmartLab.

Protection of your information

Education Support Programmes is committed to the protection and security of your data and information.

Education Support Programmes will keep your personal information confidential and not sell or disclose your information to any external third parties, unless:

  1. we are required to by law;
  2. the disclosure is to a third party that acts on our behalf for example SmartLab’s web developer; or
  3. it is necessary to protect the safety and security of Users and SmartLab.

If third parties act on our behalf, we require them to hold, use, secure and protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our contractual obligations.

Unless permitted or required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us.

How we keep your personal information secure

We use all reasonable endeavours to keep information we collect secure and have invested in SmartLab’s security. We partner with Microsoft and its industry leading Azure Cloud Platform. All data is stored securely on the Azure Cloud Platform and held within an isolated network and database infrastructure on Australian Eastern Services controlled via authentication. Access to this database is strictly limited to Education Support Programmes. Microsoft Azure is a leading platform with cybersecurity intelligence that identifies and responds to threats.

For further information regarding data storage and security on the Microsoft Azure Cloud, please see

How long we keep information

All information collected from Users is held for as long as needed to deliver SmartLab services to you. This includes providing access to SmartLab or manage Users.

We will delete your information if you communicate to us in writing to delete your information.

If you do not communicate to us in writing to delete your information, we will take reasonable steps to delete personal information we collect once your SmartLab registration expires. We may be required to retain and use personal information to:

  1. comply with our legal and regulatory obligations; or
  2. resolve disputes.

Your rights

You may correct any errors in information we hold about you. Please write to us at [email protected] if you wish for us to change any details we hold about you.

You also have the right to opt out of refusing any updates about SmartLab or marketing material.

Access your Personal Information

If you wish to make a request to access personal information we hold in relation to you, you may make a request in writing to [email protected].


If you have a question or complaint about our Privacy Policy or SmartLab’s collection, use, disclosure or safe disposal or destruction of your personal information, your feedback should be directed in the first instance to SmartLab at [email protected].

We will promptly investigate your complaint and attempt to resolve the matter. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this procedure or we have not responded to you with a determination within a reasonable period of time then you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy. We recommend visiting this Privacy Policy frequently.

No responsibility for links to other websites

We are not responsible for any other website. If you leave SmartLab following a link from SmartLab or by any other means, this Privacy Policy will no longer apply.

We encourage you to read the privacy policies appearing on other sites. Education Support Programmes is not responsible for the information handling practices of third party sites.


Cookies are small files which are transferred from our website and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies are on most websites and ensure your activity on the site is fast and efficient.

SmartLab uses cookies only to the limited extent to recognise the User including:

  1. remembering if you have previously signed in; and
  2. remembering the settings on SmartLab pages you have visited..

Contact us

If you have any concerns at all in relation to our Privacy Policy please contact us at [email protected].